Yes Dylis!

I’m ready to put incredible Marketing Strategies in place that position me as the Trusted Adviser and will have clients “COMING TO ME”


Get more clients, quicker and easier than ever before

I understand that inside this powerful 6-module programme “The Magnetic Marketing Map” I will discover:


Recreate the “secrets” of the super successful people. I will demystify the “secrets” behind what makes some people more successful than others. So that you can do the Right things and stop doing some of the Wrong things.


You will discover how to make the sales and marketing numbers work for you. Where you are strong and where improvements need to be made to develop and grow your business.


You will create marketing messages that will resonate with what is going on in the head of your prospective clients and have them say
“Yes, that’s me, I need to know more”.


You will define your personal goals for your business and have clarity around the activity required to hit those goals. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you’ve got there?


Profile your ideal client so you will always be working with those who value your product/service, pay promptly and happily give repeat and referral business.


You will create your personal Magnetic Marketing Map which will get you massive results from ALL of your marketing activities?

Inside these powerful modules you will discover…

  • How to avoid the #1 business killer that will keep your bank account empty.
  • The essential steps that you must take to position yourself as the trusted expert and have clients seeking you out. No more cold calling, telemarketing, knocking on doors, struggling with gatekeepers.
  • You will be attracting the kind of clients you want and not be spending time with “tyre kickers” and “time waters”
  • You will have the competitive edge in your marketplace and never have to overcome those dreaded objections about the “Competition”
  • You will have interested prospects seeking you out which means you won’t have to work so darned hard
  • You will be more productive, more positive and more successful than you ever thought possible
  • Hitting targets, month after month after month and become a member of the top 20% of sellers
  • You will Grow your Business Beyond your Expectations and Live Your Life in a state of abundance and Stress Free

PLUS, I understand I get exclusive access to these incredible bonuses when I sign up today:

BONUS 1 – Get It Done Calls

6 Monthly Group Q & A Calls to answer any and all questions that you have. You will never ever be stuck! (value £1,200)

BONUS 2 – The Secret Success Buster

  • Discover the “Secret Sauce” that will change your thinking, your behaviour and the way you deal with challenges FOREVER.

  • These secrets will propel you forward even when you feel completely stuck (Value £200)

BONUS 3 – Magical Templates

  • You will receive templates, examples of completed templates, scripts, process sheets. Everything you will need to attract, ALL the clients you ever dreamed of.

  • You’ll never have to start from scratch every time you start a new marketing campaign (Value £200)

Total Value £1897

Your investment today only £497

Get More Clients Guarantee

We believe 100% in our programmes. If you go through the entire
Magnetic Marketing Map… each module, complete and apply
the work and still don’t find this to be exactly what you need to
attract more of your ideal clients on a consistent basis, we will
happily issue a full refund within 365 days from buying the
programme. YES, a whole year guarantee!!

Total Value £1897

Your investment today only £497

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